APT + Virginia Synod + ELCA
We’re in this together
All Places Together is a new mission start of the Virginia Synod and Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). We are part of a wider church family that has many congregations, outdoor ministries, colleges, seminaries, social service agencies, and global relationships.
Get to the know the ELCA
The ELCA is the most progressive Lutheran church in the United States. We take the bible seriously (not literally) and the Holy Trinity (God-Jesus-Holy Spirit) is the center of our shared. We believe that God’s grace is freely given to all people and that this graces saves us.
We ordain both women and people of the LGBTQIA+ community. We believe in science and care about creation. We have a long history of caring for people in vulnerable situations (hunger, poverty, affected by disasters). We are working to dismantle the racism that is in our institutions and ourselves. We’ve got a long way to go.
What’s a synod?
Synod is a church word that talks about a group of individual churches working together. The ELCA has 65 synods. All but one are based on geography. The Virginia Synod is most of Commonwealth of Virginia except for the parts neartest Washington DC. The Virginia Synod supports, empowers, and tends to the needs of 145+ congregations, including APT.
But don’t worry, you don’t need to live in Virginia to be a part of All Places Together. We are an online community.